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The Seven Principles – Couples Guide

This guide accompanies The New York Times bestselling book by Dr. John Gottman.

What you will learn

This guide accompanies the revised version of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. It provides couples with interactive step-by-step exercises for each chapter of the book. Use this workbook to record answers to relationship questions, journal, interact with key concepts, and incorporate tools to build connection, intimacy, and respectful partnerships.

Recommended use: Order two Couples Guides per couple (one for each partner).




8.5 x 11 inches



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Seven Principles Couples Guide


This guide accompanies The New York Times bestselling book by Dr. John Gottman.

The Seven Principles – Couples Guide

What you get:

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A new and improved version of our Seven Principles Couples Set for use in workshops, clinical practices, and at home. Physical Materials.


This New York Times bestselling book is an overview of the concepts, behaviors, and skills that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship.