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The Seven Principles – Digital Couples Set

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the bestselling and acclaimed culmination of four decades of research, presented in an accessible format to anyone who longs for stronger, healthier relationships. Digital Materials.

What you will learn

Includes Couples Guides and Love Maps and Open-Ended Questions digital card decks

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the bestselling and acclaimed culmination of four decades of research, presented in an accessible format to anyone who longs for stronger, healthier relationships.

Until now, marking up the book’s pages was the only way for readers to record answers to its many exercises. Our Couples Guide takes couples step-by-step through the interactive exercises in each chapter of The Seven Principles, and it offers each partner their own private space to work through exercises and journal thoughtfully about each principle as it applies to their own relationship.

The Seven Principles Digital Couples Set combines our most valuable tools for couples: the Couples Guides and our Love Maps and Open-Ended Questions digital card decks, available via your account for easy access and downloading. Spanish digital couple’s guide included in this couple’s set.

The Seven Principles Digital Couples Set will help couples learn and use our research-based exercises and methods to improve their relationships. It is useful in many settings, including:

Clinicians: Couples can work through each of the seven principles in your practice using the provided guides and card decks, and you can use your expertise to deepen their understanding and use of Gottman Method concepts.

Couples: You can use this set at home! Simply access the set on your account and follow along in the Couples Guide. You will also have our digital Love Maps and Open-Ended Questions card decks to fully explore two of our most important, fun, and popular exercises that are proven to improve couples’ relationships. Purchase a hard copy of the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work to discuss and work through the Couples Set without attending a Seven Principles Couples Workshop. The book is available as a paper copy, audiobook, Kindle, and other digital formats via most retailers.

Gottman Seven Principles Program: These are the course materials for the Seven Principles Program for Couples Workshops. Seven Principles Leaders can bulk order these sets to use in a class or group setting in their own workshops. Your couples can follow along closely as you teach the Seven Principles curriculum.

Please note that all sales of digital products are final.


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the bestselling and acclaimed culmination of four decades of research, presented in an accessible format to anyone who longs for stronger, healthier relationships. Digital Materials.

The Seven Principles – Digital Couples Set

What you get:

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This is the guide for the Seven Principles Leader Training, designed for use in tandem with our official live or online trainings.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the culmination of Dr. John Gottman’s lifelong work: an overview of the skills that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Based upon Dr. Gottman’s revised New York Times bestselling book, this updated course will give you the skills to teach classes and small groups for couples in your community.

Whether at your church, community center, place of business, or home, the material you learn in this training can be taught by anyone interested in making a difference in couples’ lives.

NOTE: live events have been postponed until June 2021 or later due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


How Successful Couples Turn Conflict Into Connection

Fight Right, the New York Times Best Selling book from Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman and Dr. John Gottman


Conflict is the top reason couples seek help—but it’s also an opportunity for greater intimacy, deeper connection, and lasting love according to this essential guide from the world’s leading relationship scientists and bestselling authors of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and Eight Dates.

Click here for free Fight Right resources and products from the Gottmans on how to turn conflict into connection.

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