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Homework Assignment: Make the Holidays Your Own!

Make this holiday your own with rituals of connection that create shared meaning for the whole family.

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The holidays do not need to be a time of anxiety and suffering. While a “perfect” holiday may be unobtainable, there are ways to make the holidays less a source of stress and more a source of connection with those you love.

Here is a list of affordable, family-friendly activities to get you thinking.

Ways to connect

  • Attending free outdoor concerts
  • Attending sing-along shows
  • Going to fairs and festivals
  • Participating in or watching community parades
  • Doing arts and crafts
  • Decorating things (the house, presents, each other, etc.)
  • Going to workshops
  • Checking out holiday storytime at your local library
  • Having your own holiday storytime
  • Playing games at home
  • Going to an ice skating rink
  • Making gingerbread houses
  • Looking at the holiday lights and decorations in the neighborhood 
  • Visiting extended family
  • Getting together with family friends
  • Taking a road trip to the mountains
  • Marveling at the beauty of nature
  • Making favorite holiday foods
  • Watching favorite holiday movies

In short, make the holidays your own this year. Color outside the lines. Celebrate whatever makes you and your family feel good. Shake off your obligations and make this time an opportunity to get together, make music, play games, and enjoy each other’s company.

Learn more about Dr. John Gottman’s take on making the holidays your own.

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Ellie Lisitsa is a former staff writer at The Gottman Institute. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

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