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Love Quiz: What Is The State of Your Sex Life?

Take the following quiz to assess the quality of sex, romance, and passion in your relationship.

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Love Quiz State of Sex Life

You may be thinking of turning up the heat in your relationship. If so, you are not alone. Take the following quiz, designed by Dr. John Gottman, to assess the quality of sex, romance, and passion in your relationship.

State of Your Sex Life Quiz

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The Gottman Institute’s Editorial Team is composed of staff members who contribute to the Institute’s overall message. It is our mission to reach out to individuals, couples, and families in order to help create and maintain greater love and health in relationships.

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Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Learn how to foster intimacy and safety in your relationship and how doing so can lead to amazing sex in the new Gottman Relationship Coach, “Enriching Your Sex Life”. In this never-before-seen series of videos and conversation-starting exercises, Drs. John and Julie Gottman will guide you and your partner through opening up communication around sex, learning your partner’s preferences, exploring sensuality, and building sexual safety in your relationship.

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