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January 2016

See what’s happening at The Gottman Institute this month, including new articles, trainings, and announcements.

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This month Master Certified Gottman Therapist and Trainer Carrie Cole, M.Ed. was named Research Director of The Gottman Institute, Drs. John and Julie Gottman  announced their new book, The Man’s Guide to Women, and we kicked off a new research project.

“Month in Review” is a feature on The Gottman Relationship Blog that gives you the opportunity to recap the news and events of the last month. Below you will find useful information and links from January, including mentions in the media, important announcements, blog postings, class photos, and more.



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There’s this guy. His name is John Gottman. And he is like the Michael Jordan of relationship research.

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Additional Articles:

New on The Gottman relationship Blog

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New from the “Love Lab” comes the book that I have been struggling to write for the past decade. This masterwork finally tells the story of what women want in a man, and how important men are in the fate of their relationships with women.

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Additional Articles:

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Featured Instagram Post

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Featured Class Photo


This month’s featured class photo is from a Gottman Level 3 Training presented by Carrie Cole, M.Ed., LPC and Don Cole, D.Min., LPC, LMFT in Houston, TX. To see more photos from professional training events around the country, click here.

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The Gottman Institute’s Editorial Team is composed of staff members who contribute to the Institute’s overall message. It is our mission to reach out to individuals, couples, and families in order to help create and maintain greater love and health in relationships.

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