Learn the seven essential building blocks of strong relationships as discovered by John Gottman’s research.
Ellie Lisitsa
The real predictor of a relationship’s failure is a couple’s inability to manage conflict in a healthy manner and to move ...
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Working on understanding each other’s triggers is one of the most important things that you can do to avoid hurting one ...
When you make repair attempts early, you can salvage the point of the conversation and create a more productive and positive ...
We’ve all been in the middle of an argument that we know we cannot win, understanding that our frustration has overwhelmed ...
Here are a few examples of phrases that you can use to help repair and de-escalate when conversations get tense. ...
Jennifer Bingaman
Dr. Gottman found that compromise is essential to managing conflict in relationships. ...
Sometimes you need to build up to having effective communication in your partnership. Here are the smalls steps it takes to ...
Watch this video of Dr. John Gottman explaining the 5:1 ratio. ...
A fundamental principle of maintaining The Positive Perspective in your relationship is to let your partner influence you. ...
Playful bids and enthusiastic efforts to turn towards each other result in heightened levels of positivity during conflict discussions. ...
If life chipped away at your fondness and admiration for each other, the route to bringing them back begins with realizing ...
Love Maps help you develop greater personal insight and a more detailed understanding of each other’s life and world. ...