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John & Julie Gottman

Dr. John Gottman

World-renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, John Gottman has conducted 50 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. In addition to being named one of Psychotherapy Networker’s Top 10 Most Influential Therapists of the past quarter-century, his work on marriage and parenting has earned him numerous major awards, including:

John Gottman

Dr. Gottman is the author or co-author of over 250 published academic articles and more than 50 books, including best-sellers Fight Right, The Love Prescription, and Eight Dates, and The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, as well as The New Marriage Clinic, What Makes Love Last, The Science of Trust, The Relationship Cure, Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, and Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child. his media appearances include CBS Morning News, Good Morning America, Oprah, TED Mainstage and The TODAY Show, as well The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Inc., The New York Times, TIME, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, People, Psychology Today, Reader’s Digest, and Vanity Fair.

Co-founder of The Gottman Institute and co-founder of Affective Software, Inc. with his wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, John was also the Executive Director of the Relationship Research Institute. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, where he founded “The Love Lab” at which much of his research on couples’ interactions was conducted. To read more about Dr. Gottman’s research, check out this page for interesting questions and citations to his work.

Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman

Co-founder of The Gottman Institute and Affective Software, Inc., Dr Schwartz Gottman is co-creator of Loving Couples Loving Children – a curriculum for couples struggling with poverty, co-creator of the immensely popular Art & Science of Love weekend workshops for couples, and co-designed the national clinical training program in Gottman Couples Therapy. A highly respected licensed clinical psychologist and educator, she is sought internationally as an expert advisor on marriage, the treatment of trauma and affairs, sexual harassment and rape, domestic violence, same-sex marriage, and gay and lesbian parenting. Media appearances have included Good Morning America, the TODAY Show, and the TED Mainstage, as well as The Atlantic, The Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post, Inc., The New York Times, TIME, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal among many others.

Dr. Schwartz Gottman has been honored as the Washington State Psychologist of the Year and is the recipient of the Psychotherapy Networker Lifetime Achievement Award. She is author or co-author of many books, including best-sellers Fight Right, The Love Prescription, and Eight Dates, as well as The New Marriage Clinic, and The Marriage Clinic Casebook, Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage, The Man’s Guide To Women, and And Baby Makes Three. Dr. Schwartz Gottman has received wide recognition for her clinical psychotherapy treatment, with specialization in distressed couples, abuse and trauma survivors, substance abusers and their partners, and cancer patients and their families.

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John Gottman’s concept of “flooding” triggers the “fight or flight” response, risking conflict escalation or emotional disengagement. Subscribe for free resources on managing it in clients.

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Lifetime Achievement Award

For over 50 years Drs. John and Julie Gottman have devoted their life to the research and practice of fostering healthy, long-lasting relationships through the training of clinicians and the creation of transformative products for couples around the world. When receiving the 2021 Psychotherapy Networker Lifetime Achievement Award, Drs. John and Julie Gottman had this to say:

None of this would be possible without the incredible work that’s being done all around us. I want to share this award with especially all of you therapists who are […] stalwartly learning technology in order to stay connected with your clients and to help even more couples in their terrible distress, and pain, and anguish, and loss […] We are all one big community of healers and helpers reaching out to the world and, as we’ve seen over the last four years, love is needed more in the world than ever before. So thank you all for doing the work you do and we’ll keep chugging along doing what we do.

The Gottmans Psychotherapy Networker Award photo

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