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Caralee Frederic

Caralee has been a licensed clinician since 2002, first in CA and then in CO. She has been a Certified Gottman Therapist since 2013 and a Certified Sexual Addiction Recovery therapist since 2014. In 2014 she brought the “Art and Science of Love” Gottman couples’ workshop to CO for the first time, offering it 3 times per year. She has also presented the workshop in HI and MN.

In 2017, she began training clinicians in the Gottman method. She is an
Advanced Clinical Trainer for the Gottman Institute, and offers all 3 levels of
training in person, the modality she believes is most effective for learning and retaining information. She is a consultant for clinicians seeking certification in the Gottman Method. In 2019 she began to expand her solo practice to meet the demand of couples seeking excellent care. She now has multiple clinicians and staff members, joining in our vision: to increase love, joy and peace in the world by teaching as many people as possible to create healthy, loving, relationships; and our mission: to heal painful relationships by providing and integrating the best, evidence based therapies available for couples. In 2020 she became the first therapist to be certified in Discernment Counseling in Colorado Springs, CO.

She loves living an active lifestyle with hiking, rafting, SUP’ing as some of her favorite activities. Being Mom to her 3 young adult men is one of the greatest joys of her life.

Caralee's Posts

couple working together at a Gottman workshop

What’s the Best ROI for My Relationship?

Caralee Frederic

What can I do that will have the biggest impact? An in person Gottman couples workshop. Learn more. ...

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