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Lessons in Love: Guide for Leaders

This is the guide for the Lessons in Love: Seven Principles for Singles Leader Training, designed for use in tandem with our official live training.

What you will learn

This guide covers these three systems of the Seven Principles:

The Friendship System; Principles 1-3

Friendship is the foundation of most relationships. Understanding the importance of a strong friendship can motivate you to befriend your partner repeatedly.

The Conflict Management System; Principles 4-6

Dr. John Gottman’s research findings emphasize the idea that people must learn to manage conflict rather than avoid or attempt to eliminate it. Discussing issues is constructive and provides a positive opportunity for understanding and growth.

The Shared Meaning System; Principle 7

A successful relationship is about more than paying bills, getting chores done, and checking off the to-do list. It is also about building a meaningful relationship that has a deeper dimension and is rich in shared meaning.

Product image for Lessons in Love Leader Guide


This is the guide for the Lessons in Love: Seven Principles for Singles Leader Training, designed for use in tandem with our official live training.

Lessons in Love: Guide for Leaders

What you get:

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