This month Drs. John and Julie Gottman presented a brand new clinical training, Treating Affairs and Trauma, we hosted a sold out Art and Science of Love Couples Workshop in Seattle, and we had our first ever Facebook Live interview with Julie Gottman and Casey and Meygan Caston of Marriage365.
“Month in Review” is a feature on The Gottman Relationship Blog that gives you the opportunity to recap the news and events of the last month. Below you will find useful information and links from October, including mentions in the media, important announcements, blog postings, class photos, and more.
Studies show that kids are sensitive to quiet marital resentment—not just all-out shouting matches.
- Bustle: How Does Your Childhood Affect Your Relationship? The Effects Of A Happy Upbringing May Span Decades
- Business Insier: The Secret to a Happy Marriage May be an Emotionally Intelligent Husband
- The Huffington Post: 10 Rules for a Successful Second Marriage
- The Conversation: Unhappy Workplaces Look a lot Like Unhappy Marriages, New Research Shows
- Business Insider: America’s Top Couples Therapist Says All Successful Marriages Share This Trait
- Independent: How to Stop a Relationship From Falling Apart, According to Science
- The Huffington Post: This Common Behavior Could Easily End Your Marriage
- Time Magazine: How to Make a Relationship Last: 5 Secrets Backed by Research
- Bright Side: Seven Parenting Behaviors That Stop Children From Being Successful
- The Atlantic: The Difference Between a Happy Marriage and Miserable One: Chores
- The New York Times: A Happy Spouse May Be Good for Your Health
- Verily Magazine: 7 Things Happy Couples Rarely do
- Owatanna: Behavioral Choices and the Impact on the Homeless
- Verily Magazine: 3 Ways We Betray Our Partner Without Realizing it (and How to Stop it)
- Harvard Business Review: Why Young Bankers, Lawyers, and Consultants Need Emotional Intelligence
- The Huffington Post: Therapists Tell Couples To Ignore This Common Marriage Advice
- The New York Times: Teaching Your Child Emotional Agility
- Verily Magazine: How to Make Everyday Moments Count More in Your Relationship
- 10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist
- The Huffington Post: 6 Ways To Argue And Not End Up Divorced
- Lifezette: Power of a Wife’s Influence
- The Huffington Post: An Open Letter To The Couple Who Are Staying Together For The Kids
- Psych Central: Are You Turning Towards Your Partner?
In relationships that thrive, partners consistently make and receive bids for positive connection.
Additional Articles:
- How Well Do You Know Your Partner?
- 5 Steps to Fight Better if Your Relationship is Worth Fighting For
- How to Switch Off Relationship Autopilot
- Learning to Love Again After an Affair
- How My Wedding Crisis Strengthened My Marriage
- 3 Do’s and Don’ts for Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids
- Emotionally Intelligent Husbands are Key to a Lasting Marriage
- How to Rewire Your Brain and Build Greater Connection
- Debunking 3 Myths About Money in Marriage
- Conflict is a Normal and Natural Part of Your “Happily Ever After”
This month Drs. John and Julie Gottman presented our new clinical training, Treating Affairs and Trauma, for the first time ever in Seattle. Attendees learned valuable insight on how to help couples heal from affairs and trauma in their relationship. If you’d like to learn more about this training, click here.
Earlier this month, Casey and Meygan Caston of Marriage365 visited our office to do a live interview with Julie Gottman. You can watch the full interview here. Be sure to like our Facebook page to be notified next time we go live!
Are you following us on Instagram? We provide practical skills to strengthen relationships.
This month’s featured class photo is from a Level 3 Training presented Mike McNulty
Ph.D. in Techny, Illinois. To see more photos from professional training events around the country, click here.