Professional Training
Learn how our professional training programs can empower your work with couples, whether you are a licensed therapist, educator, life coach, or small group leader.
Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Join the 135,000+ clinicians around the world who have trained in Gottman Method Couples Therapy Professional Trainings and use our proven assessment techniques and interventions in their work with couples.
Completion of all levels of Gottman Method Couples Therapy training results in certification as a Certified Gottman Therapist (CGT). Click here to see an overview of how to become a CGT and the many professional benefits.
Level 1 Training
This is the first step in learning Gottman Method Couples Therapy. A truly inspiring workshop, Level 1 Training will give you new insights into treatment for couples who struggle, using research-based assessments and effective interventions.
Level 2 Training
Deepen your understanding of Gottman Method Couples Therapy and expand your strategies and interventions in your work with couples! Practice using interventions in group role-plays while receiving personal, supportive coaching from trainers.
Level 3 Training
During this practicum workshop, participants examine videotaped cases of couples brought in by workshop colleagues. These are used as teaching tools to deepen your understanding of when and how to use various Gottman Method interventions, and how to replace destructive patterns with meaningful interactions.
Join our most exclusive group of senior Gottman-trained therapists! The final step in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy training program, the Certification Track results in certification as a CGT. Following Certification you can train to become a couples workshop leader or trainer.
More training opportunities
In addition to our clinical trainings in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, we offer a variety of additional training programs for professionals. These trainings are designed to be accessible to both licensed clinicians and life coaches, educators, and small group leaders.
Train to become a Bringing Baby Home Educator, learn the Couples Recovery approach for treating addiction, and more.
Bringing Baby Home
Help pregnant and parenting families in your community prepare for the transition to parenthood. ALL NEW BRINGING BABY HOME VIRTUAL LIVE & ON-DEMAND TRAININGS.
The Seven Principles
This training will teach you how to take small groups of couples through John Gottman’s revised, groundbreaking book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
Couples and Addiction Recovery
This training is for therapists, counselors, and professionals who work with couples struggling with addiction as well as couples in recovery from alcohol, drugs and/or behavioral addictions.
Treating Affairs and Trauma
This training is for professionals who want to enhance their understanding of assessment, treatment planning, and intervention with couples where an affair and/or trauma has created pain and struggle in their relationship.
Unable to attend in person?
We are now offering online learning for professionals.
Complete Gottman training from anywhere with an internet connection. Earn Certificates of Completion and CE hours for your work, and share your success with friends, colleagues, and employers.